Lynn Evans Dip Counselling. Dip CBT. RNMH. MBACP
Counselling & Psychotherapy Services
Phone 07590591879

Privacy Statement for Lynn Evans Counselling & Psychotherapy Services
I take protecting your privacy and personal data very seriously and as such I am registered with the Information Commissioners Office ICO Ref- ZA438234
Using the Contact Me Form
I use the personal data of your email address for correspondence with you regarding your enquiry about the services of counselling or Reiki. I only ever use this information to contact you and answer any questions you may have. I also use it to arrange and send confirmation of your initial appointment. I only retain the information for the period we are in correspondence and then it is deleted as confidential waste once correspondence has ended.
I will never use the information you supply via the contact me button for marketing purposes or share it with any third party unless I am required to by law.
Upon receipt of your personal data I am committed to ensuring that it remains secure, all my electronic devices and smart phones are password protected.
My website is SSL secured. SSL allows you to navigate my website and submit information securely via HTTPS but please bear in mind that sending information by email or text cannot always be guaranteed 100% secure, so please consider the level of personal information you share in an email or message.
This site uses cookies. These are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are used in order to make websites work efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site about people’s use of it.
Session cookies are stored only temporarily during your browsing session. To allow normal use of the site and are deleted from your device when the browser is closed. Personal Information from your device is collected such as geolocation data, IP address, unique identifiers and other information which relates to your activity through the site. You can choose your use of cookies via the pop up cookie notification and by following the instructions of your device preferences
This statement details how I collect, store or share/process your personal data
During our first initial consultation I collect some personal information:-
Contact number
Date of birth
GP details
Health and relevant health history
Emergency contact name and number
I will also ask you to read and sign a counselling contract
I only use your data in relation to the delivery of my services, and would never use it for marketing purposes or sell to third parties.
You can be assured that all the information disclosed within a counselling session will be regarded as strictly confidential with very few exceptions
Limits to Confidentiality
There are very few specific reasons why I may need to share/process your data.
The only circumstance that confidentiality will be breached is if you indicate a risk of serious harm to self or others.
Safeguarding legislation means I have a duty to report the abuse of a child or vulnerable adult.
I also have a legal duty to report serious crime involving Terrorism, Human Trafficking and Drug Trafficking.
Like all ethical counsellors I have regular supervision to ensure I am practising safely. I may take your issue to supervision but your identity will remain anonymous.
I may be required to share information in your notes if I am issued with a court order.
I will never contact your GP, emergency services or any other health professional without your explicit consent, unless there is a serious risk of harm to yourself or someone else.
How Your Personal Information is Stored
I securely store your personal details in a locked cabinet.
I make brief notes after each session and these are stored securely and anonymously in a separate locked cabinet. Your session notes are kept separate to your personal identity details. Your name is never written on my session notes; you are identified to me by a number.
I am required to securely store this information for 7 years after your last session in line with the requirements of my professional insurance.
In the event of my death or becoming incapacitated these notes will be securely destroyed by my supervisor
Your contact details such as telephone number, text messages and email address may be stored electronically and deleted one month from our last session.
I will only contact you with your permission and will only leave a message with your consent.
Right to Access
You can request in writing to see information I hold about you
This privacy statement is kept under regular review and may be amended or updated accordingly.